GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. signed "Agreement for a permanent use of the GSA Platform" with NET4GAS

On October 28th, 2015 Polish TSO - GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and Czech TSO – NET4GAS s.r.o. concluded an agreement for the permanent use of the GSA Platform, which is aimed at conducting bundled auctions on PL-CZ border on IP Cieszyn, which will be conducted at GAZ-SYSTEM Auctions Platform (

The cooperation of both companies in this field is aimed at further integration of the Polish and Czech Republic gas market, by the implementation of the Commission  Regulation  (EU)  No  984/2013  establishing  the  Network  Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms in Gas Transmission Systems (NC CAM).Capacities at the cross-border interconnection points shall be allocated via capacity booking platforms starting from November 1st, 2015.

In recent months, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and NET4GAS s.r.o. have conducted a series of  pilot auctions, which allowed to develop a model of cooperation between TSOs and led / contributed to to the selection of the GSA Platform.